Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Better Late Than Never.

I decided that I'm finally going to post something. It'll most likely be the longest thing in the world since I'm home alone and I'm not tired, whatsoever. :) Honestly I'm only doing this to occupy my time because I'm scared. But here it goes. In the past few months things have been pretty good, and also pretty bad. I'll start with my house situation. I hate it. Okay, I don't hate it but we haven't had the best of luck living here. Our landlord is probably the worst person alive. He just sucks. It's terrible to say but I don't even care, he's the worst. One of the rooms in the basement has mold and that's why Erin had to move out, and we got a new girl, Sienna. That turned out just as poorly. She moved out without any notice, I literally worked a double and when I got home my roommates told me she had moved out. Cool. Also, she's pregnant. Even cooler! ....She needs to get her life together. Anyways, enough of that. Now we're dealing with a landlord who doesn't want to help us, and we're on our THIRD roommate for that room. Honestly, I just want to move out. I hate it here, It's not that I hate my roommates, because I don't, but this house is just too old. It's a very frustrating situtation. There is soooo much that's happened I couldn't write about it all if I tried, we'll just say things aren't great and leave it at that.

Also, in September I started my job at Tres Hombres. Erin is a hostess there and she got me the job which was awesome of her. I loooove working there. It's great that I can spend so many hours there and actually enjoy it. It would suck to work that many hours at a job I hated. I'm not saying that it's always good though becasuse sometimes I get angry, but for the most part I love it. I really love everyone I work with. I love the mexicans. For real, they are happy. It's a nice change, they like to sing the songs that come on the radio, they dance around, and they laugh. I like when people laugh, it makes me happy. The only thing I hate is that we have a "uniform" we have to wear. It makes me look like a lesbian and I can't stand it. Like really? I could look way cuter if you guys just let me wear my own clothes. Hahahaha I'm not kidding.

Next on the list is school. Last semester I only went part time because I couldn't afford to go full time which sucked pretty bad. I cried for days when I found out I wouldn't have enough to pay for it. (I realize I'm a cry baby.) It's pathetic but I feel like a low life for going part-time. When people ask if I'm in school I say yes but I really feel like I'm not. Or I felt that way anyways. I don't know why I feel like that's such an embarrassing thing, but I do. I mean i'm doing a lot better than most of the kids I know, I actually moved out on my own, I pay for everything, and I'm attending college at an acutal university. I mean I have a lot to be proud of but at the same time I still don't know what I'm going to major in, and even if I do decide, it'll be something easy because I'm not smart enough to get a technical degree. Whatever, that's what I get for never caring about an education until now. It's not all my fault though, Cedar City schools are just a joke. I mean middle school? What the hell was that? And Canyon View? Biggest joke of a high school, I mean come on. Whatever though, there aren't that many options for Cedar City, I'm just glad I made it out of there before I was married at 18 with two kids by 20. That's what everyone down there is really into it seems like. Anyways, back to the subject of school. Next semester I'm going to take a spanish class that I'm really excited about. I'm hoping that because I took 3 years of spanish in high school and because now I work with mexicans who are constantly speaking spanish around me i'll be able to pick it up faster. hahah, I don't know though, we'll just have to see. :) And then my other two classes are going to be health and diversity, which is supposed to be easy, and then a statistics class. Both of which Kyle are in. It's a bonus because he can help me in them, and because I'll be working so much I feel like it'll be some of the only time I'll get to spend with him during the days. So it'll be nice. :)

Now onto Kyle. Things with us have been going pretty good. We don't fight as much which is always a great thing, we really have started getting down to the root issues that cause problems. It's turning out great and I'm really happy with how things are turning out. I seriously love him so much, I don't know what I'd be doing if I didn't have him. Sounds a little pathetic, but I'm just grateful for him.

Eh, I have so much more to say but I think i'll just head to bed and catch up later if I feel it necessary. Tomorrow I don't work and I think I'll go shopping and clean the house. That's what my life has resorted to. It'll be nice to spend some time alone though. I am never alone, like for real. Looking forward to what tomorrow will bring.

PS I'll post some pictures that I took with my new camera too.


Friday, July 29, 2011


Don't look back, and greive over the past
For it is gone;

Do not be troubled about the future,
For it has not yet come;

Live in the present, and make it so beautiful
That it will be worth remembering.


Saturday, July 16, 2011

Cutsie Wootsie!

"So it’s not gonna be easy. It’s gonna be really hard. We’re gonna have to work at this every day, but I want to do that because I want you. I want all of you, for ever, you and me, every day. Will you do something for me, please? Just picture your life for me? 30 years from now, 40 years from now? What’s it look like? If it’s with him, go. Go! I lost you once, I think I can do it again. If I thought that’s what you really wanted. But don’t you take the easy way out.”
—Noah (Ryan Gosling) to Allie (Rachel McAdams)

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Moosic That Makes You Moove. ;)

Okay, I don't know why I love this song so much right now but I do.

I don't know why I'm so in love with this song, but I am.
 One in the air for the people that ain’t here
Two in the air for the father that’s there
Three in the air for the kids in the ghetto
Four for the kids who don’t wanna be there
None for the niggas trying to hold them back
So no matter what you been through,
No matter what you into,
No matter what you see when you look outside your window,
Brown grass or green grass,
Picket fence or barbed wire,
Never ever put them down,
You just lift your arms higher,
Raise em till’ your arms tired,
Let em’ know you’re there,
That you struggling and survivin’ that you gonna persevere,
Yeah, ain’t no body leavin, no body goin’ home,
even if they turn the lights out the show is goin’ on.

Here is the other one that i'm in love with right now.
I realize that they are completely different styles, but I like them both for different reasons.

This will be my last confession
I love you never felt like any blessing
Whispering like it's a secret
Only to condemn the one who hears it
With a heavy heart

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Kyle and I went to Lagoon again. Getting our money's worth. ;) It was so much fun. I like the chance to spend time with him like that because it's rare that we're ever alone lately. Both of our houses are full houses. Not that it's a bad thing, it's just great to be able to be alone together and relax. :)

Best part about the day: We decided that before we went to Lagoon A Beach we'd go and spend a few dollars on the rip of games Lagoon offers. We went to a game where you get three balls for $2 and for a small prize you have to break down two of the plates out of your three chances and for a large prize you have to hit three plates down with your three chances. Of course the large prize was our goal...but unfortunately neither one of us hit it. Hahah that's not the best part. The best part of it was that Kyle was playing the game strictly to get me a stuffed animal so I could keep it forever. Anyways the first time he hit only one plate down, so he HAD to try again. So the second time he tries again and he only knocks one down again. So I was like, let me try. I tried and on my first try I hit two plates down meaning I won the small prize! ;) Kyle said he embarrassed but seriously it was hilarious and nothing he should be embarrassed about. He should be proud that his girlfriend is a teriffic aim. ;) Hahahahahahahha. Here is my prize, I named him Pangy Winn.
After we were sick of pressing our luck with stupid games, we went to a game we knew we could win. The worker has to guess either your age, and be off by two years (plus or minus), your birth month, and be off by two months, or your weight, and be off by three pounds. Of course guessing your weight is by far the best option. It's the easiest way to win! Soooo being the sly little devils we are, we delicately rose to the challenge. After the worker guessed Kyle's weight to be 150, he asked me to pick my prize. ;) I chose this lion and I named him Lionel. Clever, I know. Hahah.
I'll keep them forever.

After Lagoon we drove to my house in his uncles convertible and it was so fun! I was happy about it. :)
We got to my house and he grilled me a fake chicken patty on his new grill.

 I like the way he smiles when I kiss him.

Today was perfect.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Long Time No Talkkk.

Wellll I haven't had internet for a while so that's for the lack of blog posts, and the fact that I feel like I'm constantly busy. Also, I apologize right now for how long this post will be. I've got a lot to say though. ;) To catch everyone up, Brianne and I moved out of our old place by the capitol. :) I'm a little glad considering all the bugs that we were beginning to see ever since it started getting warmer outside. It was getting to be ridiculous, and lonely there with just Brianne and I.

Now we're living in a house right by the U. It's AWESOME! We don't need parking passes for the school year and we have the best roommates ever! There is Erin, Adri, Brianne, Braidee, and I. Braidee hasn't officially moved in yet but she'll start paying rent in July. This is probably the most fun I've had since coming to Salt Lake for college. It's comparable to the dorms. I just love it. We're meeting all these new people, we go out, and we all just have fun. :) I absolutely love it.

So we'll start with Holly's birthday. This seems like it was sooo long ago. I miss my Holly Dolly. Marshal and Holly made a long trip up to SLC Saturday morning (June 4th) and we all got ready and went to Raging Waters/Seven Peaks. I can never decide what it's called. We all had the best time ever. Seriously. Going down those slides was such an adrenaline rush! Hahaha even Marshal was scared! We all laughed so hard after going down the slides. We went down this one slide that you have to carry your own toboggan looking sled thing which was ridiculously heavy, I could barely lift it! But all these little kids passed us like it was no thang. I guess they were a lot more determined than us but it was pretty embarrassing  when you have to stop half way up the trail for a breather and twelve 5 year olds pass you carrying their own "toboggan" sled with ease. Besides the parents, I think we were the oldest people there too. Hahahah but whatever because we had a blast! Seriously one of the funniest things I had done in a long time.
After that we went to Shanghai for Holly's birthday dinner choice. It was delicious as always. :) That night we just sat around and talked after an unsuccessful trip to the park. The next morning Holly and Marshal left which sucked. I hate to see them leave because it will be at least a little while until I see them again. :(

After they left Brianne and I headed down to the Pride Parade. It was hilarious. Some of the costumes were ridiculous but it was entertaining to say the least. After that we went out with the fam. My mom, Tasha, Brianne, Ben, Luke, and Joe. We went out to noodles where we say Brianne's friend Lauryn from the polo team and we decided that Lauryn, Adri, Erin, Brianne, and I would all go shopping for things for the house. :) We went to this thrift store and we got so many awesome decoration things. I love thrift stores!

Also, Jamie and Brock came to seee us! We went out to the Sea Salt for lunch. We didn't realize how classy this place was but we definitely weren't looking classy enough haha. It was great seeing them though. We showed them our new house and Brock laughed hysterically the whole way through the house at all the things that were wrong with it. It made the rest of us laugh too. :) It is pretty funny to see how terrible the house looked before us. After lunch they had to leave though which sucked because it was such a short visit but none the less it was great to see them.

A few days later (not sure when) Brianne, Tasha, and I went to the Brett Dennon concert. I had never heard of him before but Tasha loves him so we went because the tickets were cheap. It was a small concert but it was a good show. Brett Dennon told a story about a girl that he was in love with from high school. They had gone to prom together hahah. Anyways, the girl moved to Salt Lake and met a boy from BYU and now has like 5 kids. I thought it was cute that he told that. His songs have really good lyrics but I thought he was creepy as all get out. He was like pelvic thrusting the air, and shaking his butt...eh it was way creepy. Glad I went though. His opening band was actually pretty good too. I can't exactly remember their name though,. I'll get back to you on that.

I also went to my first Salt Lake City farmers market with my Mother, Tasha, Ben, and the boys. It was alright. My mom and I got into a fight about me finding a $20 bill. My mother's side of the story is that she dropped the crinkled up bill from her wallet of perfectly folded bills as she was paying for our snow cones. My story is that she was mad that I saw it first and decided to claim it as her own. But whatever story you choose to believe. I was the biggest person and told her she could have it as long as she knew that it wasn't really hers and she was lying and the fact that I'm a starving poor college student. Moral of the story, I got the cash. Yes it was a big deal to me. :) Hahah she's going to kill me for this.

Anways, my whole family minus Nicole and Tommy and plus Kyle went to Lagoon. It was my first time for the season and I was sooo excited! I love Lagoon. I think it's just the greatest. We split up for a while so Tasha and Ben could take the boys on the little kid rides while my Mom, Brianne, Kyle and I all rode the BIG KID rides. ;) Hahah it was so much fun, minus the heat. My mom got us season passes while Kyle's family got him a season pass so needless to say we'll be going a lotttt. :) Kyle and I went to Lagoon-a-beach not to long ago either and that was nice. We layed in the lazy river and went down some slides. Surpringly the lamest looking slide turned out to be the best one. :) We went down it like three times. Maybe two, I can't remember hahah. But it turned out to be really really fun. :)

The next big event was Kyle's 19th Birthday. Wooooooo! Hahha finally we're the same age. ;) He invited me up to his cabin with his whole family. We rode 4-wheelers, went on a hike, played with all of his little cousins, played ticket to ride, and I shot my first ever gun. I'm so glad he let me go with him, it was a great time. I always feel bad going with his family though because I am SO not used to that much energy. I was exhausted by the end of the night and I feel like they think i'm hating life but that's definitely not the case. I'm just lazy on the daily and they are anything but that. :) It was really cute, his grandma and his aunt Tracy made him a pinata because he wanted one. They used an Einstein Bagel's box and his cousins drew him happy birthday pictures which they glued to the side of the box. It was so adorable. Kyle kept the box to hang in his room. It was very sweet of them. :) After we got back we came to my house to celebrate his brithday with everyone else in our house. We had sooo much fun. I felt bad because Kyle had to work so early the next morning and he stayed up so late but I really hope he had the best birthday ever.

Okay I really promise I'm almost done!
The other night we went to Gay Night at the club. Things got a little out of control. We danced in the cages, and on stage, and just everywhere. Hahhaha I had seriously the best time in the whole world. Oh my gosh it was so fun. Here are all the people that went: Adri, Jamey, Amanda (Adri's cousin), Brianne, Lauryn, Christian, and Graham. I don't know how they all felt about it, but I loved it and will definitely be going again. :)

And lastttt but not least yesterday Kyle and Daniel came over! Daniel wasn't that impressed with our marvelous house but I guess you can't please them all. Haha jk I mean he liked it but just not as much as I was hoping. Kyle left with Daniel for a while and came back to my house once Daniel had to leave. Kyle decided that he wanted to break in the grill I got him for his birthday and when he got back we went to the store for a propane tank and a bunch of grilling food. Later that might Steve, Erin, Christian, Brianne, Kyle and I all had the barbeque that Kyle made us. Which was delicious by the way. Mmm. :) After that we rode the trax down to the Arts Festival which ended up being $10 to get in! It was expensive but they had really cool things there so it ended up being worth it. :) And then we came back to the house and Adri and Jamey came over and they brought their dogs Frankie and Tolbert. They're really the cutest dogs. :) All and all the summer is turning out to be my best one yet. :) Can't wait for what else is in store!